Filter expression with boolean and operator


Selector: $[?(@.key>42 && @.key<44)]

    {"key": 42},
    {"key": 43},
    {"key": 44}



    "key": 43

Other responses

Bash (


C (json-glib)

Not supported

Unable to compile selector `$[?(@.key>42 && @.key<44)]': Invalid array index definition “?(@.key>42 && @.key<44)]”

Elixir (ExJsonPath)

Not supported

illegal characters "&"

Elixir (jaxon)


Golang ( ¹

Not supported

parsing error: $[?(@.key>42 && @.key<44)]	:1:10 - 1:11 unexpected ">" while scanning parentheses expected ")"

Golang ( ¹


Kotlin (com.nfeld.jsonpathkt) ¹

Not supported

Unexpected char, char=?, index=2

PHP (softcreatr-jsonpath)

    "key": 43
    "key": 44

Python (jsonpath-ng)

Not supported

JsonPathLexerError('Error on line 1, col 2: Unexpected character: ? ')

Python (jsonpath-rw)

Not supported

JsonPathLexerError('Error on line 1, col 2: Unexpected character: ? ')

Python (jsonpath2)

Not supported

line 1:13 token recognition error at: '&'
ValueError("line 1:13 token recognition error at: '&'")

Raku (JSON-Path)

Not supported

Evaluation of embedded Perl 6 code not allowed (construct with :allow-eval)

Rust (jsonpath)

Not supported

parsing error


Erlang (ejsonpath)

init terminating in do_boot ({badarg,42})

Crash dump is being written to: /dev/null...done
{"init terminating in do_boot",{badarg,42}}

PHP (Goessner) ²


Perl (JSON-Path)

non-safe evaluation, died at line 11.
