Bracket notation with number on string


Selector: $[0]

"Hello World"




Scalar consensus

The scalar consensus applies for implementations which return a single value where only one match is possible (instead of an array of a single value).


Not found consensus

This consensus applies for implementations which return a specific not found value if no match exists.


Scalar not found consensus

This consensus applies for implementations which returns a specific not found value when a query that would regularly return a single match results in no match.


Other responses

JavaScript (Goessner) ²


JavaScript (jsonpath-plus)


Kotlin (com.nfeld.jsonpathkt) ¹


Python (jsonpath-ng)


Python (jsonpath-rw)



Clojure (json-path) ¹

java.lang.Exception object must be an array.

Elixir (jaxon)

** (Jaxon.ParseError) Unexpected string "Hello World", expected a string, number, object, array instead.
    lib/jaxon/decoders/query.ex:29: anonymous fn/2 in Jaxon.Decoders.Query.query/2

Elixir (warpath) ¹


Erlang (ejsonpath)

init terminating in do_boot (not_implemented)

Crash dump is being written to: /dev/null...done
{"init terminating in do_boot",not_implemented}

Golang ( ¹

unsupported value type string for select, expected map[string]interface{} or []interface{}

Golang ( ¹

object is not Slice

JavaScript (jsonpath)

obj needs to be an object

Perl (JSON-Path)

Unable to decode Hello World as JSON: malformed JSON string, neither array, object, number, string or atom, at character offset 0 (before "Hello World") at build/lib/perl5/JSON/Path/ line 77.
 at build/lib/perl5/JSON/Path/ line 75.

Python (python-jsonpath)

Invalid JSON document - Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

Raku (JSON-Path)

at 0: expected a json object, but got '"Hello Wo"'

Ruby (jsonpath)

unexpected token at 'Hello World'
